Wednesday, April 8, 2020

French Class 7: Gâteau

Bonjour! Learning a new language is like having dessert after a meal. It completes the meal. So let's go ahead. Bon appétit.

Gâteau  is cake.

Un gâteau is a cake
le gâteau is the cake.

A touch of grammar with the vaocbulary adds value to the word.

The sentences with gâteau contain a phrase, je voudrais discussed earlier:

Je voudrais un gâteau.
I would like a cake.

Je voudrais un gâteau au chocolat.
I would like a chocolate cake.

Je voudrais un gâteau aux fraises.
I would like a strawberry cake.

Marc: Bonjour Annie
Annie: Bonjour Marc.
Serveur: Vous choisissez? ( Have you chosen?/decided)
Marc: Je voudrais un café. Et vous Annie?
Annie: Je voudrais un gâteau au chocolate.
Serveur: D'accord Madame et Monsieur.
Serveur: Voilà votre café et votre gâteau au chocolat.
Marc et Annie: Merci. (Thank you)
Serveur: Bon appétit.

Now you can order coffee or cake at a café in France.
Type out your favourite cake in the comments. 

Culture tip:
Why Cake at Birthdays?
Well, Cakes represent our best culinary offering honouring our most loved people. In "olden times" when refined sugar, spices , nuts and dried fruit were expensive, it was a honour to be honoured with cake. Today cake isn't expensive and we have a variety to choose from. But the message remains constant. 
Cake says "you are important and we love you"


  1. Wow yummylicious lesson for today. Loved eating Gateau at Patisserie Valerie while I was in UK. Your lesson brought back those lovely memories 😊

  2. Yummuylicious is a wonderful word. Good to hear that!
