Monday, March 30, 2020

#A2Z Theme Reveal


Finally here. Blogchatter nudges and here I am. The very coveted A2Z looks like child's play. Well it does bring out the child in you as you explore sub-topics on your theme and also read varied themes. Writing one blog post each day of the week except Sundays, and reading other participants posts is no child's play but interesting.

My Theme is what comes naturally to me, Teaching French. Yes, 26 sessions of French at Blogchatter A2Z. It will be as simple as it could get. Will include a culture tip. What's a language without knowing the culture. It is my first try, flood me in with your observations and comments.

Learning a new language allows your brain to absorb new patterns, it helps you think differently. I personally know many people who can speak 3 languages fluently. In India, 52% of the urban youth are bilingual and 18% trilingual.

 Learning is a never-ending process. Gear up and be ready for the child's play... ahan... A2Z by Blogchatter.


  1. Wow, interesting theme. Looking forward to learning some French! Best Wishes.

    1. Do reply in French. One will be able to write short sentences. The first one is love now.

  2. My daughter is learning French nowadays. I am sure your lessons will be handy for her. Look forward. Good luck!
    Sonia from

    1. That's nice. Would be keeping the level as basic. The culture tip would be handy.
      Thank you.

  3. Ooh, this is very interesting. Sign me up for your 26 day course. :D All the best.

  4. That's a great motivation. visit here regularly
